Septic Maintenance: Pumping, Cleaning and Inspection

Ok, you have heard from your friends, family, plumber or a septic tank guy that you should maintain your septic tank. Well, what does that mean?

Should I even do it? Why should I do it? Is the septic company just trying to get money from me? Do they say I should pump my tank more often because they want to charge me more money? Does an inspection reveal problems that really aren’t there?

You would like to know more about septic tank maintenance, but who do you ask? You have heard the horror stories from your neighbors. An inspection or a potential small problem leads to thousands of dollars and a new septic tank. You wonder if it was really needed or was it a rip off?

Who can I trust? I don’t want a salesman that is full of crap himself. I want straightforward facts to make an informed decision about my septic maintenance needs. Who can I call that is honest, reputable and fair? I would like to maintain my septic tank, so who do I call?

Honestly, we can tell you that Shane and his team have been pumping septic tanks in Shelby and Jefferson county for over 20 years. Shane grew up and has lived here his entire life. His reputation as a honest and forthright businessman are known throughout the area. Shane wants you as his customer, but more importantly is that he wants you as a repeat customer. Reputation is everything for Shane and his staff from Crimson construction.

That’s why we take excellent care of our customers. We believe that a septic tank is like a vehicle engine. When both are regularly maintained, the life expectancy is greatly expanded. When you change the oil in your car, it will serve you better in the long run. When you pump your tank once every 3-5 years, you will have less problems down the road.

For example, we often get phone calls from customers experiencing septic problems who have never pumped their septic tank. When we arrive at his house, we pump the tank and inspect it. There are often more problems because of the neglect. There is not only one line clogged, but it could be two or three lines.

When we get a phone call from a customer who has his tank pumped regularly (every three years to five years) and he is experiencing problems, his line may also be clogged. It is usually not because of solids from the tank, but because a tree root grew through the line.

By maintaining your tank, you will prevent lots of costly damage in the future. A regular maintenance schedule will extend the life of your septic system and save money on repairs or prevent a complete replacement.

It is a good investment. If you don’t call us to maintain your tank, please keep us on your speed dial. We would like to help when problems arise or worse when your septic tank stops working. We are ready to help anyway.

Septic tank pumping costs

Every septic tank system is different, so prices are different depending on your system. Some septic tanks are small, and others are large. Some are in shallow ground and others are much deeper. It is important to understand what may increase the cost.

When a septic tank is buried deeper than 12” in the ground, it takes us more time and labor to dig and locate the lids. We charge a little bit more than a normal job.

If you have an older tank, it usually has a solid (one piece) concrete lid and not access portals. In that case, we excavate the entire area over the tank to uncover the lid. This is also labor intensive and will raise the cost.

Then it comes to size of your septic tank. A standard size tank is 1000 gallons. The pumping price includes the removal and appropriate disposal (at waste management plants) of waste matter. The smaller the tank (less waste) - the cheaper the cost. The bigger the tank (more waste) - the more it will cost. The price is dependent on the tank size and amount of waste.

What to Expect During a Septic Tank Maintenance Appointment

  • We encourage and highly recommend that the homeowner be present while we maintain your septic tank system.
  • When a technician arrives at your home, he will locate the tank on your property and dig/excavate to gain entry to the tank via portals or in some cases a solid concrete lid.
  • “Sludge” (solid waste) sinks to the bottom of your tank. It is necessary that the sludge be regularly removed for your system to function properly. If left unattended, the sludge can build up and move out of the tank and into the drain field lines. This can cause sewage back up into your home, costly damage to the field lines, and possibly a total system failure.
  • It is important to find both lids on the septic tank. We pump from both sides of the septic tank – the solid side and water side. This allows a complete emptying of the septic tank and we can inspect for cracks or other damage inside of your tank.
  • A thorough cleaning of the tank is part of the septic maintenance plan. With a clean tank, the technician can perform a thorough and complete inspection. He will be able to visually inspect all the parts inside your tank for damage or potential problems. If he detects any issues, he will make recommendations for repair. If there are no problems, see you in 3 to 5 years for your next maintenance appointment.
  • The most important and best thing you can do for your septic tank system is to have a professional pump, inspect and maintain the tank every 3-5 years. If you utilize a garbage disposal, water softener, have too small of a tank for your household size, or any number of things that contribute to your tank filling quickly - you probably need to have an annual maintenance performed.

The Science Behind Septic Systems

While many see a septic tank as merely a storage unit for waste, there's an intricate scientific process at play. These underground wastewater treatment systems utilize a combination of nature and time-tested technology. As wastewater moves through the septic tank, it is treated naturally by beneficial bacteria, turning solids into sludge. This means that what ultimately flows out into the leach field is largely liquid and safe. Understanding this process can underscore the importance of routine maintenance to ensure everything functions harmoniously.

Environmental Considerations for Septic Systems

Having a well-functioning septic tank isn't just about preventing home inconveniences; it's also about being environmentally responsible. When a septic system fails, it can leach untreated wastewater into nearby streams, rivers, or groundwater. This not only jeopardizes our water quality but can harm local ecosystems. Consistently maintaining your septic system isn't just good for your property, it's an eco-friendly choice.

DIY Vs. Professional Septic Services

In an era of do-it-yourself solutions, some homeowners might feel tempted to handle septic issues on their own. However, septic systems are complex and delicate. A slight error in judgment can lead to catastrophic consequences. This is where professional septic services, like those offered by Crimson Construction, come into the picture. With a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of septic systems, professionals can ensure optimal function, safety, and longevity.

Preparing for a Septic Service Visit

To make the most of your septic maintenance appointment, there are a few things homeowners can do. Firstly, have a clear idea of where your septic tank and drain field are located. While professionals can locate them, already knowing the spots can save time. Secondly, ensure there's clear access to the tank area, free of obstructions like vehicles or equipment. Lastly, keep any records of past services handy. This can provide your technician with valuable information about your tank's history and needs.

Call Crimson Construction for Your Septic Tank Maintenance

To protect your investment, prevent costly repairs and extend the life of your septic tank system, give us a call at Crimson Construction. We are an honest, reputable and experienced locally owned septic tank maintenance company. We are highly rated, recommended and tops in the industry. Give us a call at (205) 965-3465.


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Wilsonville, AL 35186

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(205) 965-3465

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