Residential Septic Tank Pumping

Why is it Important to Pump a Septic Tank?

After a while, the sludge layer, if not removed, can build up and reach the outlet baffle. If it exits the septic tank through the outlet baffle, it can clog the field lines and cause a breakdown of the septic system.

Too much sludge could force a back-up of waste into your home. This can happen if the inlet baffle is broken or missing.

It is vitally important to have your tanked pumped on a regular basis to remove the sludge before problems arise. The problems (repairing and replacing) associated with an overloaded septic tank can be expensive to correct.

Prevention by pumping is the key to a healthy septic system, Depending on the size of your tank and how much waste is produced, an average estimate is that it needs to be professionally pumped every 3 years (for a small household or if you utilize a garbage disposal) to 5 years (for a larger household).

What is the Septic Tank pumping process?

Our professional crew will locate your septic tank (if you are not sure of the location) and then excavate the ground to expose the hatch.

A thorough inspection of the interior and exterior of the tank will be performed. We will look for any damaged areas including cracks in the hatch or tank; broken, rusted or missing inlet and outlet pipes and baffles; damage caused by tree roots; and any other potential septic problems. Our inspection is part of a prevention strategy. We are not looking for problems to fix that are not there!

If filters are present in the septic tank, we will remove them for inspection and cleaning (or replacement if needed). Then we will pump (vacuum) out the contents of your septic tank into the container on our truck. The hatch is secured, and the dirt is returned as it was. It’s that simple!

Understanding the Inner Workings of a Septic System

To truly appreciate the significance of regular septic pumping, it's helpful to understand its inner mechanics. A septic system is designed to separate solids from the wastewater, allowing only treated water to percolate into the ground. Beneficial bacteria inside the tank help break down these solids, turning them into sludge. Over time, this sludge accumulates. This makes pumping not just an option, but a necessity to ensure the longevity and efficiency of the entire system.

Economic and Environmental Impacts of Neglect

Ignoring the need for septic tank pumping doesn't just put your home at risk but can also have broader implications. An overflowing septic tank could contaminate local water sources, impacting ecosystems and potentially even the community's water supply. Additionally, the cost of cleaning up such messes and the associated environmental damages can be substantial, far outweighing the preventative cost of regular septic maintenance.

Safety Precautions During Pumping

Safety is our top priority when pumping septic tanks. Our crew always ensures the area is secure, preventing any accidental exposure to harmful waste or gases that can emanate from the tank. Additionally, while our inspection is thorough, we are mindful of your property, aiming to leave it just as we found it, if not better. Entrusting professionals like Crimson Construction ensures not only efficient service but also the safety of your home and family.

What about Cesspool Pumping?

Our professional crews are trained in multiple sewer systems. We pump out cesspools as well as other wastewater disposal type systems.

Understanding Cesspools: A Brief Overview

While the terms 'septic tank' and 'cesspool' are often used interchangeably, they are distinctly different. A cesspool is an older wastewater disposal system, simply an underground pit where wastes are stored, without a separate drain field like in modern septic systems. Due to its rudimentary design, regular pumping of cesspools is even more crucial to prevent overflows and potential contamination.

Contact Crimson Construction for your Residential Septic Tank Pumping!

If you don’t remember the last time your septic tank was pumped out, it’s time! Or if it’s been 3 to 5 years since your last pump, give us a call and let’s get that scheduled before a problem crops up. We have the right personnel and equipment as well as the knowledge and experience to take care of your septic needs. Prevention and maintenance are the keys to protect your investment and to avoid costly repairs or entire system replacements. Call us today at (205) 965-3465.


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15990 Highway 61
Wilsonville, AL 35186

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(205) 965-3465

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